McKay Erickson


House District 21

McKay Erickson


House District 21

Preserving Wyoming Values, Building a Brighter Future

Preserving Wyoming Values, Building a Brighter Future

Meet McKay

As a fourth-generation Wyoming family man, I am deeply ​rooted in our state's enduring spirit and culture. I’m McKay ​Erickson, and I’m running for House District 21. For over 30 ​years, I’ve been a teacher, coach, advisor, and business ​owner here in Star Valley. My diverse experiences have ​prepared me to be your next representative.

Together, we can preserve our values, support our families, and ​build a brighter future for our community. Let’s make a real ​difference for Star Valley and all of Wyoming.

About Our Campaign

Property Tax ​Relief

Permanent property tax relief is essential for our community. As your representative, I’ll fight to ease the burden on our hardworking families.

Small Business ​Support

Small businesses are the backbone of our community. I’m committed to advocating for policies that support our entrepreneurs.

Public Land ​Access and Use

Our public lands are a treasure. I’m committed to ensuring we can all enjoy them while being responsible stewards.

Local Control

Local control is crucial for our ​community's success. I firmly ​believe that decisions ​affecting our daily lives ​should be made by those ​who live here, not by distant ​officials in Cheyenne.

Support Law ​Enforcement

Our local law enforcement ​officers work tirelessly to ​keep our community safe. I ​fully support funding and ​training for our police and ​Wyoming Highway Patrol to ​ensure they have the ​resources they need.


I am committed to protecting ​the sanctity of life and will ​always stand up for pro-life ​values.

Pro-2nd ​Ammendment

I stand firmly in support of ​the 2nd Amendment. ​Protecting our right to bear ​arms is essential for ​maintaining our freedoms ​and safety in Wyoming.

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Phone: (307) 884-6119



If you would like to ​donate please use our ​official donation page.

Promote and Protect

The Star Valley and ​Wyoming Way Of Life

Paid for by McKay Erickson

Thank You ​For Your ​Support!

Thank You ​For Your ​Support!




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(307) 884-6119